It seemed all too good to be true....
I started the day with an inetrview with one of the leads that I had got as compliment from my distributor....
I never delved into the details of how it would be when I was all alone...
I felt that Prosperity Automated system (PAS) was hell of an opportunity with a lot of potential and I would be minting money.....
When I started learning on how to get the leads, I started to think the reverse of what I had been thinking till now....
It was not as flowery as I hoped....
I had a friend who directed me to a distributor( I would prefer to keep the distributor's identity anonymous at this moment) and I started receiving really good and enticing emails from him. I had worked in MLM concepts before, so this concept was more apprealing to me. I found it very enticing with just 400$ to invest and about 20,000$ per month in earnings!!!
I kept emailing my friend and his distributor about the product that I am supposed to market, but there was no clear indication of the product. It seemed to me that i would be selling an opportunity (This was perfectly fine with me as many MLMs had concept marketing in place).
After a bit of thinking, I joined in......
The story seemed perfect..........
The business opportunity seemed awesome and the earnings were really good....
People said, they earn 20,000$ a month without much effort.
and they did not have to do anything!!!!
Wow!!!!!!! that really had bells ringing...
20,000$ a month without having to do much...that sounded as the perfect deal....
Great for someone like me who wanted to earn some easy money.
The story as it unfolded was different............