PAS- How it worked
PAS – more commonly known as prosperity Automated Systems is supposed to be one of the best ways to mint money. It is supposed to be one of the sure shot ways to earn pots of money. As per their alluring and attractive marketing mails, one can easily earn money by doing nothing. Indeed – simply nothing. PAS- Prosperity Automated Systems assures you that if you buy their Google ad packs and ad words, you can earn loads of money something to the tune of fifteen thousand dollars per month. Not bad right!! That’s what many people thought. PAS assured that they would take care of the investments and reap loads of returns. However little did people realize that all their dreams would come crashing down with PAS closing down abruptly.
Beware of scams- PAS goes into the dark!!
I agree, I am not that fluent with online marketing and MLM … However, whatever is my understanding of it, I had thought that PAS was a great idea… the concept intrigued me and I thought that this was the opportunity I was waiting for… simply speaking the idea of earning bucks without doing much truly swept me off my feet…
Playing with money- PAS proves to be another sham
I have never felt so miserable in my life….I am ruined … I have been duped by PAS… they made me believe that if I invest in ad words and ad packs, then it would help me reap a considerable portion of the profits… However, the reality was something quite different…It has shocked me to say the least…. It has completely ruined me and cheated me and robbed me of my money….
PAS Tragic and heartrending
PAS was the biggest fraud I have ever seen…. I had always heard of such online marketing gimmicks and heard stories about people being duped by them…I never thought that like many others, I too would fall prey to such cheats and let them take me for a ride…. I had believed them and had thought that they would help me earn those extra bucks…. Little did I realize that they would run away with my money….
I, like many others, fell prey to the cheap gimmicks of PAS … I feel ashamed at myself… as in how could I even allow them to dupe me and cheat me like this… I had trusted them not only with my money (my savings) but also with my dreams… I was under the impression that they would actually help me achieve my dreams…. But all they did was give me false hope and take me for a ride and shatter my dreams and aspirations.
I was always interested in adwords and ad packs …. Online marketing always intrigued me…. I always wanted to know more, and in process, earn too… PAS seemed to be the answer to all my worries… At that point of time, PAS appeared like the perfect solution to all my problems… I figured out (after a bit of research) that indeed if properly implemented, Adwords and ad packs are indeed profitable … Little did I realize that all this was a big hoax to dupe me…..
As kids, all of us had learned the saying that All that glitters is not gold…. I realized that today… little did I ever fathom in my wildest dreams that one day I would see such a day… I was wooed by PAS… their emails made big promises and I, like a fool, gave in… I thought this was my way to success and I gave into them and today I realize my folly… I lost all my money … they duped me… If only good sense had prevailed ….
MLM was a completely new concept for me. I had no clue how it used to work and so on. Then I started getting these promotional mails from PAS. They started explaining how one can mint money. They said all one needs to do is simply invest in adwords and adpacks. I agree I did not know much about them. However, slowly PAS won my trust and I opted for it. Little did I realize that all this was a gimmick a farce, which would break me down….
I will never forget that morning…. I woke up only to realize that PAS is a fraud … the entire concept of PAS was actually a gimmick and they cheat people like me. I agree that at the beginning, I too was not sure about the PAS concept and the way it worked. I mean it was hard for me to fathom that just by buying adwords and ad packs one can actually make you rich. However, PAS was persistent and kept bombarding me with emails asking me to opt for them… Only much later did I realize that all was a big farce… Alas!!! It was too late…
I could never believe my eyes when I saw that PAS has shut down!!! I mean, how can something, that I used to believe in and trust the most shut down so abruptly without leaving any trace. At least people like me, who had believed in the concept of PAS and invested in it, should have been taken into confidence and told about the changes it would undergo. I still find it difficult to believe that something so concrete (at least that’s what I mistook it to be) like PAS was actually a big farce that would crash all my dreams.
I never realized that everything would come to a stand still… I have always done things on my own terms, and believed in my decisions. When I first saw those promotional emails from PAS, I agree I was apprehensive. However, their big promises and constant flattery lured me and made me opt for PAS… I believed in PAS and I believed in the big promises they made. I thought that may be this was my stepping stone to fulfilling my dreams. Only to realize that indeed all that glitters is not gold and that PAS is a big farce….
Never really wanted to touch any venture with a barge pole after getting so badly let down by this one and that too in such a manner which came so suddenly that it took us by surprise. I felt that all MLM ventures would end up the same fate as this one.
But, having said that, I felt that I need to offset my losses in some way or the other since I incurred huge losses in this one ! Though i was still reeling under the shock , it was somewhere there in the back of my mind to just recover my losses and get on with something or the other but definitely not an MLM venture.
But, having said that, I felt that I need to offset my losses in some way or the other since I incurred huge losses in this one ! Though i was still reeling under the shock , it was somewhere there in the back of my mind to just recover my losses and get on with something or the other but definitely not an MLM venture.
True, this came as a big shock to me also ! There was news everywhere that PAS was doing well and with all the positive buzz about it and lot of gung-ho talk , I was into it .. Thought it was easy to make money so invested my hard earned savings into it. Little did i realise, what I was getting into and it turned out to be a sham of sorts.. never expected it to be banned so fast.. I have lost my money too and waiting for something new to bail me out..
To add on this, I came to know about this shocking news of PAS closing down. Now, PAS has become past. But I still remember the moment I first heard about this news. For a while, I could not believe my ears. I was still thinking that every thing would be all right. But the moment I realized that nothing could be done at that time and that it was too late, I broke off completely. It took an hour or so to gain my normal self. I know that there are so many other people, like me, who have gone through such emotional turmoil, as I did, after hearing that PAS has closed down. To be true, I'm still in a position where I'm completely unaware of what should be done in order to get out of such critical situation.
Initially I started investing 400$ and with the dream to earn 20,000$ per month. However, later I understood that it was just a mere fallacy. I had to invest more in buying adpacks and google adwords. With this dream to earn high, I kept on investing on these adpacks. My bank balance melted away. I still was hoping against hope and went to the extent of borrowing money from my friends but soon realised that my expectations of return has not only become distant but also unreachable. Today I am in debt and really don't know how to come out of this financial crisis.
Previously I used to think that we seriously don't need to do any real work. But later on I asked myself, that why should anyone pay me for doing nothing. I mean, is this possible and does this really mean anything? Suddenly, everything became so unrealistic to me. Moreover, I had to invest about 75% of my earnings on buying ad packs. So, ultimately the profit as claimed by PAS was way below the real profit. This was something I never thought of...
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